How to Create a Delivery App

How to Create a Delivery App

In today's fast-paced world, convenience is king. Nothing exemplifies this more than the booming demand for delivery applications. According to a report by Statista , the global online food delivery market is expected to reach US$1.92 trillion in 2029, with a compound annual growth rate of 9.49% from 2024 to 2029.

How to Create an Investment App: Detailed Guide

How to Create an Investment App: Detailed Guide

Ever wondered how those sleek investment applications on your phone work? The ones that let you track your portfolio, buy and sell stocks, and maybe even get a little financially savvy along the way? Well, buckle up, because we're about to take you behind the scenes!

Creating Mobile App Interface Design

Creating Mobile App Interface Design

Stfalcon Wins a Clutch Global Award

90% of users abandon using an app if the performance is poor and the key reason for it is not intuitive design without an attractive and legible user interface. So, if you have a software solution in mind and want to design it right away, it does not work like this.

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain App in 2024?

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain App in 2024?


Immortality does not exist even in today's high-tech world. Any software will fall into disrepair without proper maintenance. Mobile applications are the most vulnerable due to the rapid rate of development in this market and ever-increasing user expectations.

How to Build a Personal Finance App Like Mint

How to Build a Personal Finance App Like Mint

In case you go crazy like most people, when you need to deal with your budget and can hardly say how much you earn and spend, not speaking of investing, timely bill payments, and loan coverage, you need an app for finance management. And you are not alone!